Friday 17 October 2008


Om Mani Padme hum (Hail the jewel in the lotus) is a six syllable incovation (Mantra) of Avlokiteswara one who is invoked as the savior and the protector from danger. One who recites this Mantra, he will be saved from danger and be well protected. So this Mantra is widely found in every field of Mahayana Buddhism. One can find this Mantra inscribed on rocks, prayer wheels, Chaitya walls, loose stones heaped as Mani (Jewels) on roads, paths, mountain passes, the approaches and exits of villages. One can find this Mantra inscribed outwardly in the prayer wheels. One who turns one round of this prayer wheels, it means he recites millions of this Mantra. As this Mantra saves from all dangers people used it as pendant, rings etc. for the protection.

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